Marks of Prophetic Houses
● Strong base of presence. By nature, the prophetic spirit is a seeking spirit. All prophets
are intercessors. They are those who value intimate time with God and long to hear His
voice. They also carry burdens for people and places. Prophetically influenced ministries
have active prayer and worship.
● Higher level of spiritual education. Both apostolic and prophetic houses teach, train,
and develop on a higher level. They do not just preach the abc’s of faith. They value
discipleship. Healthy Christianity means that we disciple and instruct others. The current
church building model in the Western world has watered down the function of preaching
and teaching. The emerging prophetic houses go deeper, breaking the normal mindset.
These are places of coaching and training. One of the major components of prophetic
houses is the preparation of prophets and prophetic believers. These are places that
unpack the mind of God and the mysteries of heaven.
● Strategic operations and deployment. This is an apostolic edge. Mature prophetic
houses recognize the importance of strategy and sending. They are places where regional
words are acted upon. They are places where gifts are identified and released. People are
commissioned and sent.
● High regard for purity and clean living. I hate to say this, but there is a lot of strange
fire in operation. There are numerous places with flies in the oil. This is contaminating
and wounding the people of God. Prophets and prophetic houses press for purity.
They create places where people can be honest and vulnerable, but they lead people to the
Bible and clean living.
● Access and engagement in the miracle and supernatural realms. Prophecy unlocks
the mind of God and the power of God. The prophetic ministry is a ministry of power.
Prophetic houses have high levels of supernatural function and flow. God does explosive
miracles in the midst of His people. There are unusual operations of power and wonder in
the company of prophetic people.
● New sounds! Prophetic worship is the norm in a prophetic house. This is one of the
reasons why many people who are hungry for more will be drawn to prophetic places.
There are sounds of heaven. The mind of God is released to the people in prophetic song.
There are spontaneous worship songs that break forth and release God’s power over His
people. Psalmists and minstrels come to prophetic houses. It is a gathering place for arts
and creatives.
● Prophetic teams. A prophetic house will train, teach, and develop prophetic teams. There
can be various teams that minister both in and out of the house, depending on the
mandate of that house.
The calling to prophetic ministry is wonderful! It is a special privilege to work with the Father in
this way. It is also a great responsibility. Proper growth, training, study, and prayer are vital. I
pray that these words have blessed, strengthened, and challenged you. I want to see God’s people
come forth in this hour and partner with heaven for great exploits! by Apostle Lestrange